
Data Management

For Public, Voluntary, and Independent Service Providers & their Software Suppliers

If outcomes are going to be evaluated, supporting data needs structuring in a way that will enable practitioners and managers to see and understand it.

At a detailed level this may be about ensuring that the items in a drop-down menu don’t cover more than one concept, or looking at the provenance of a given question i.e., what problem was the question in a particular form designed to address, do the options to respond to it help answer it, and does the question still have relevance to practice?

This is particularly important when making or receiving additional look-up code requests and underlines the importance of recording your design thinking at each stage of a system’s development.

What can EO do for you?

EO can help you ensure that data is being structured in a way that will support your performance management frameworks, lend itself to visualisation in business intelligence products, and enable the transparent and ethical use of machine learning techniques in the future.

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